Skinny Breakfast Pizza

Back in Singapore, on weekends, breakfast tends to be quite an ‘elaborate’ affair in our home.  By elaborate, it would usually be a local breakfast feast that either consisted of ‘Vegetarian Bee Hoon’, ‘Prata’, ‘Kaya Toast’ or ‘Soon Kueh’, I could go on, but I should probably stop before I get superbly homesick. So here in Geneva, while we do not have the luxury of going out there for our local breakfast fare, we try to whip up a decent ‘feast’ in our kitchen.

I’ve been a fan of Smitten Kitchen’s site and while surfing the recipes, I came across this Breakfast Pizza and it looked something fun that I could assemble on a weekend.  So, it has been on the back of my ‘to-do list of recipes’, and I thought I give it a shot for this week’s stay-in brunch.

I’m not going to list the recipe down for I simplified it so much.  I guess you should know by now, I can’t handle too difficult recipes yet so if there’s a short-cut that I can take that will still give me the same results, I’m willing to take that chance.  Thanks to the world of google, I found the short-cut for this recipe that I could take through blogger – Littlepaperplanes.

Instead of making the pizza dough from scratch, I used the flat bread (those that you can easily purchase at the supermarket) as the pizza base.  It turned out really good for the base was so light and crispy.  On top of the flat bread, I threw some mozzarella cheese, some left-over baby spinach (from last night’s salad), bacon (slightly pan-fried) and some parmesan cheese.  Before you pop these pizzas into the oven, simply crack an egg in the center of each of the mini pizza.  We baked these in the oven for about 15 minutes at about 160 degrees.  Adjust baking time accordingly depending how you prefer your eggs to be cooked.

The first batch of breakfast pizzas tasted so good, that we had seconds using some spicy Chorizo sausages that we brought back from Madrid that tasted just as yummy!

The Skinny Breakfast Pizzas are really a fantastic way to kick-start the morning and for us, the weekend.  As I chomped on the pizzas, I suddenly had a brainwave!  I think that using Prata as the base will taste just as good.  It’s not going to be healthy, but who cares?  Not when I’m awfully homesick!  So, I’m going to bring me back some frozen Pratas when I head back to Singers!  Ooh.. can’t wait!

[Update:  Submitted the pics and this post is featured here on Foodgawker, Tastespotting and Tastelogie. I’m so happy!  For it took me close to 80 shots before selecting 3 good shots and even then, I was worried that it couldn’t make the cut for many of my previous pictures didn’t. ]